Kilanerin Tidy Towns Survey
It’s been a few years since we took on the community composting area at the school, with great result.
We’d like to gain a view of the community households around what you may have done / do today in the area of composting. Add to that, a quick look into all your household is doing in the area of sustainability.
The survey results will be one key guide to determine our next steps in this important area of the Tidy Towns efforts. Thank you for answering these 5 questions on behalf of your household.
If you would like to provide an email address, we’d be happy to move away from paper to a more environmentally friendly way of communicating with you about Tidy Towns efforts.
If you would like to spend as little as 2-3 hours / month in work toward continuing to improve Kilanerin’s Tidy Town position within Wexford, please tick the box next to your email address – all welcome, small time commitments make such a difference.
To do the survey: